

International Dinner 2024

Link to register:

  • Date: 08-02-2024 (6 PM)
  • Location: Atrium B, Building B – KULAK

    La खाना је израз from nuestro coração. Compartamos o melhor che abbiamo und Давайте сделаем KULAK een gelukkiger ቦታ. La premiere ドリンク is on us.  The 食物 kommt von du et ta destrezza per پختن 
    (The food is an expression of our hearts. Let’s share the best we have in our hearts and make of KULAK a happier place. The first drink is on us. The food comes from you and your cooking skills)

    Let this be a moment to share the best of us in a warm dinner night. We will gather together in the Atrium of building B to taste the best food cooked by Kulakers from all over the world. First drink is free! 
    What do you need to do? just fill-in the form ( ) and you will be counted in for the event, guaranteeing some delicious food and a drink. (Feel free to bring any appetizers, desserts or drinks of your preference to share). 
    We will have music from our Kulak countries and some surprises to fill the night with food and joy.
    If you have some cooking skills and you want to show the best food from your country, this is your chance to shine. We will award a special prize for the best cook of the Kulak! 

See you in February 8th. If you have any question, doubts, suggestions, please write to or

Past Events

Post-PhD career event @ KULKAK

Wondering which career path to take after your PhD? Join our event and ask the experts! On Tuesday, May 23rd the Doctoral Working Group invites you to participate in our post-PhD career event. We have invited several speakers to talk about their career choices, from entrepreneurs to professors. After a short introduction, you can ask them everything.

We invited four speakers who all did a PhD in the past.  We have the testimony of a founder of a start-up (Andres Vasquez, Azalea Vision), two professors at different stages of their outstanding careers (Kimberly Martinod and Wim Thielemans, KU Leuven) and an overview of post PhD options by YouReCa career centre. Please sign up in advance via


DWG board game night, February 10th 2022, 19:00 @ HALL A

Company visit to RENSON (15 November)

The Doctoral Working Group organises a company visit to the headquarters of Renson for all PhD students and Post-docs on Tuesday the 15th of November from 15.00 until 18.00. RENSON is an internationally operating company with its headquarters in Waregem. As their motto is ‘creating healthy spaces’ they produce solutions for ventilation, sun protection and other outdoor solutions. The event will consist of a tour of the company, several testimonials from employees which have obtained a PhD, a session with HR and is finalised with a drink. Transportation from Waregem trainstation to and from the headquarters of Renson is provided. Subscribe via this link: Company visit Renson  Deadline for registration is the 3rd of November.

Proost to science (14 April)

Proost to Science is a unique opportunity to listen to your colleagues explain their research projects around a pint of beer (or any other kind of beverage) in a relaxed and cozy setting in Bruges. So, if you like science and drinks, you should definitely consider subscribing to this event via the link. Transportation from Kortrijk train station (at 17h) to Bruges is provided, as well as a sandwich dinner on the train.